2008年11月9日 星期日

Week 11 - Develop the learning materials and job aid

For some reasons, group work is sort of harder than an individual work. At least for my group is like this. Everyone wants to be the leader and tries to tell others what to do and how to do something. It's easy to manage myself, but hard to manage the whole group. Communication is very important, and my group uses a very straightforward way to communicate with each other so that we can tell our true feelings to each other when we feel upset with each other.
Constant emailing is one of ways to bring us towards goals since we keep everyone posted at every single email. We use MSN quite often, so we can talk to each other anytime when is necessary.

2008年11月1日 星期六

Project B

Project B seems like a very big and practical project. On the week, our group are doing some analysis of the website. And I as a leader will plan a working schedule for the group so that we can make sure we are on the track. I can't really focus on the project completely because I am staying and traveling in London this month. It's insane to travel with the project. However, I have promised my group that I will still work on something for the project after I finished my day sightseeing on each day.

2008年10月19日 星期日

Project one

I wasn't able to talk to my client because he is in Taiwan, and we barely get a chance to discuss with each other. However, we emailed feedback to tell how it went. The client can't implement the whole lesson into his class since he needs to follow the teaching schedule provided by the boss. The class is like a tutoring class, and students pay so much money to go there to learn English. Therefore, the lesson is standard and unchangeable.
Although he can't implement my lesson into his class, he still appreciated some ideas from my lesson. My client mentioned that my material sheet helped his students a lot when identifying verb tenses.
Good thing is the project one could be a good start for me to create a lesson for Chinese people to learn English since I will go back to teach English in Taiwan.
The sad thing is I couldn't be able to evaluate his students' learning progress and make improvement from it.

2008年10月5日 星期日

Week 6

Post a blog reflecting on the feedback you have received from your partner and your client. What changes will you make before implementation? Why? What did you ignore in the client's feedback? Why?

For my lesson, it is for Chinese people to learn English. The way is a lot more different from Americans learn English when they start talking. Also, I guess some people might feel confused about my lesson plan because this is not the way they learn English. But I have to say "It is what it is". For example, if an American wants to learn Chinese, I will feel weird when I know his/her learning process. I think it is because different environments make the learning process differently.
The change I might make is the environment. Since students only speak English in class, they won't have much time practicing their English skills outside the class. The class period is very short.

2008年9月27日 星期六

Weeky 5- Reflection of Vyew

I like Vyew and is very interesting to share something with others. However, I think my last week experience was over too much because everyone wanted to control the screen. I could only see my screen kept changing and flipping over and over. The whole hours made my eyes sour. I think it might be ok if only one person controls the whole meeting, or just the instructor. When I started paying attention on something, the page changed by someone else. But I like the video conferencing thing, the instructor could be able to see if the students were really sitting in front of the computer or not.
I will think it might be a very good place to do an online presentation for each individual since you can do a lot of things up there to perform your project to the whole class without going to virtual classroom.
Overall, Vyew is good but is only good for a few people at each time, or only one controls the system. Otherwise, it is a kind of overwhelming.

2008年9月20日 星期六

Week 4

I personally think both analysis and design can’t be separated from each other. Analysis will make yourself analyze the details of your project, and also a clear analysis will make learners/reader get a better understanding of what your purposes are in this piece of model. In addition, if you can make the analysis clear, you should be able to create a good design of your project for people to learn from it. So I think both of them are connected to each other in order to make something organized and neat.
For the “Information R/Evolution” video, I feel like if you can provide a detailed and clear instruction for learners to explore, the steps will definitely be reduced and might turn out a better effect. For example, in my CECS 5100 course, the Professor doesn’t really provide a neat instruction when asking student to do programming stuff. If he can provide a clear direction to show us how to do something, we might spend lesser time to figure it out by ourselves.

2008年9月13日 星期六

week 3- Analysis

I have learned that analysis is just help reader/students break a complex topic or material to a small portion so that it might be easier to understand and gain a better understanding of it. It is like when we learn to write a code for a website, and we have to start to build a small part, keep testing it, and then spread out the code. For my lesson, my client and I would create lessons by helping Chinese people to build up their confidence while learning English. Everything has a start point. After you challenge the start point, the learning progress will begin to grow. We would first of all have students to differentiate the noun, verb, and adj, etc words in order to form a complete sentence.

2008年9月5日 星期五

Week 2- My Teaching Theory & Bloom's Taxonomy

Sometimes, I feel confused about which style I should learn while I am teaching. I was growing up in a traditional education system. The teacher was the only one speaker during the class, and students were always sitting and listening. Compared to American style, the teacher is not the only one talking in the class and everyone has a right to speak up their thoughts. Especially, during my senior year, all my classes were fun and we walked around the classroom to do various experiments in order to improve our teaching.
My theory is very simple. The purpose is to make my students really get something from my lesson. I would like to create different stations for my lesson so that they can fit all students needs. I will think every students is equally smart. Sometimes the teacher just needs to find a right way for some students to pick up and catch up others. For instance, my math was terribly bad when junior years. My parents were depressed and could not believe how stupid I was. They tried so many math school and spent so much money finding different excellent teachers to help me with math. However, all of them would not work for me. They decided to bring me to the United States, and surprisingly I got A on all of my math works. Finally, my parents felt grateful to bring me here.
I remembered that I used Bloom's Taxonomy a lot when I learned to generate lesson plans. My Professors always distributed a sheet to us that had Bloom's Taxonomy-Knowledge, Comprehension, Application, Analysis, Synthesis, and Evaluation-on it. They would ask us to use the suggested words into our lesson plan. Bloom's Taxonomy really helped a lot when I was a beginner.

2008年6月7日 星期六

First Week: Instructional Design

Instructional design is the content that assist learners, teachers, and others to transfer knowledge effectively. It's a framework to design a lesson or instruction to help learners to learn something from, and it is also the practice or arranging media. It determines the current state of learner understanding and also plan the end goal of instruction. Instructional design might also be directly observable and scientifically measured or completely hidden and assumed.